Welcome to GVGMall and buy cheap Astellia Online Asper for PS4, XBOX ONE, PC Coins, and enjoy best in-game experience for Astellia Online Asper EU_Aquarius. GVGMall provides cheap Astellia Online Asper EU_Aquarius for game players with immediately delivery, and safe and secure Astellia Online Asper EU_Aquarius will be sent to you with 7/24 online support after payment. To explain the use of Astells while playing the game, players can choose combination of Astells by using Astell deck. If you want to deal more damage, you can select dealer Astell, and if you want safe play, you can select healer Astell to heal main character. Or, you can switch among tanker, healer and dealer for balanced, stable game play. There are five classes, Warrior (Tanker), Rogue (Melee dealer), Archer (Range dealer), Mage (Range dealer), Scalar (Healer). Both the Player and Astell classes are similar to that of traditional MMORPG class roles. Depending on the battle situation, the player can summon Astell to complement their weaknesses or strengthen their own power Astellia is an upcoming MMORPG being prepped for release in North America from Barunson E&A. It's currently launched in South Korea as of late 2018, and will launch in the Summer 2019 in North America. It is a high fantasy MMORPG that uses an Astel system to give player companions to fight with. Barunson has chosen to make the game F2P in Korea, will be B2P in the West.