#BelowDeck #BelowDeckReunion- Jenifer Rosenthal February 18, 2020 You have fucking nerve to go after Kate & Captain Lee on bullshit, but laugh off the pathetic behavior of those losers. Oh hell no You are a true disappointment to this longtime fan. Watch the show 2.Don’t stick up for the abusive men 3.Don’t try and give Kate more heat for a penis cake then you give the guys for being dangerous, emotionally abusive assholes #BelowDeck #BelowDeckReunion /t8rREF95P8- Fred-E-Bear February 18, 2020 Me watching twitter call Andy out for his fail at hosting this show. As far as I can tell, this reunion was almost universally reviled, thank god.) There’s no hunting for the “this is shit” take. (Note: I’ve pulled the top 3 Tweets from Twitter for the following. You just made an enemy son!! #BelowDeckThailand /b4NcT7Nomc- Leslie Jones 🦋 February 18, 2020 Here’s a sampling of what was said on Twitter, because it seemed like most sane people walked away feeling gross, and wondering what the f*ck Andy Cohen’s problem is.

I watch a lot of trash TV, and I can categorically say that I’ve never sat through a more deeply unpleasant hour of trash TV in my entire life. ( #BelowDeck reunion episode 2 tonight at 8pm) - Kate Chastain February 17, 2020 RT if you think this little speech is bullshit. Kate, clearly does not accept his “remorse” either: If he thought the misogyny that was rampantly and aggressively on display this season was abhorrent like I did, he sure as shit didn’t show it in this reunion. (Ashton, if you’ll recall, forced himself on Kate by kissing her against her will, did a cannonball and ruined expensive DJ equipment, and then finally was taken to task for how violent he was against Kate in the car, where he had to be restrained from physically attacking him.) This waste of space was happily talking shit about Kate and the cast members on Watch What Happens Live up until the taping of the reunion show, and now we’re supposed to think he’s remorseful because he’s got tears in his eyes? F*ck that-and f*ck Andy Cohen for asking the women who bore the brunt of his bullshit to forgive and forget. What the f*ck is Andy Cohen’s problem, here?!Īt one point, he tried to get Kate and Captain Lee to back off Ashton because he had tears in his eyes. Yea Andy why? And CORTNEY PROUD OF YOU!! #BelowDeckThailand /ov50MrVKCS- Leslie Jones 🦋 February 18, 2020 Here’s Leslie Jones voicing what we were all thinking during this particularly heinous moment in the show:
YES, COURTNEY! I am a fan of hers, and I love her for not backing down, and taking back her “sorry” that she said initially, because as she said out loud-“I’m not sorry.” You teach people how to treat you, and Courtney is teaching Brian that his f*ckboi ways don’t work with her, and won’t ever again. Courtney stood her ground, with a look on her face that could universally be construed as “are you f*cking kidding me?!” and shut that shit down real quick. Brian wanted the reconciliation, I mean why not? He has nothing to lose here, and by being game, he makes it look like Courtney is the bad guy. The man who was verbally harassing her to the point that she had to block him.

At the end of the show, Andy asked if the cast would go out after the taping to have a drink and let bygones be bygones, and specifically singled Courtney out if she would go have a drink with Brian. As was established in part 1, Brian was so aggressive and nasty in his DMs to Courtney post-filming that she blocked him from all social media. I’ll give one example that demonstrates just how woefully off-base and disgusting Cohen was in his reunion hosting abilities. There was no catharsis with these reunion eps.

I found it so disgusting that I don’t want to waste more energy outlining every way in which host Andy Cohen made excuses, shifted blame, and generally acted like a gross asshole because I feel at this point we all know how horrifically misogynistic this season was. I have a high tolerance for bullshit but part 2 of the reunion show tried my last thread of patience and resolve for what a colossal, disgusting, all-around horrific car crash of a season this was. That’s a wrap on season 7 of Below Deck, halle-f*ckin-lujah.